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A. Examinations

Examinations will be held every four months in accordance with the customs and traditions of our organization. Students taking part in grading examinations will be judged on their development in and performance of basic actions (kihon), movement actions, katas, and kumite and the application of techniques, as well as on physical fitness, intelligence and their attendance and performance during training sessions. Students must complete the necessary training periods (see C. below) before being eligible for grading examinations.

B. Grades and Belt Color

10 9 KYU White
8 7 KYU Yellow
6 5 KYU Green
4 3 KYU Blue
2 1 KYU Brown
1 6 DAN Black
7 8 DAN Black/Red
9 10 DAN Red

C. Examinations : Training Requirements

10 – 9 KYU Continuous training for 32 sessions within 4 months (each session 1 1/2 hours).
Yellow belt Continuous training for 32 sessions within 4 months.
Green belt Yellow belt holder, continuous training for 32 sessions within 4
Blue belt Green belt holder, continuous training for 32 sessions within 4

Brown belt

Blue belt holder, continuous training for 32 sessions within 4 months.
Black Brown belt holder, continuous training for 96 sessions within 1
2nd DAN 1 st dan holder, continuous training for 192 sessions within 2 years.
3rd DAN 2nd dan holder, continuous traininc, for 288 sessions within 3 years.
4th DAN 3rd dan holder, continuous trainina for 384 sessions within 4 years.
5th DAN 4th dan holder, continuous training for 480 sessions within 5 years.
6th DAN 5th dan holder, continuous training for 57-6 sessions within 6 years.
7th – 10th DAN By honor from our parent organization in Japan.

D. Certificates

Graded candidates will be awarded appropriate grade certificates.